Monday, September 14, 2009

Photo day no. 2

Here are some more photos:

A strawberry in my garden.
The furiness of the leaves is something I hadn't noticed before.

Nana's amazing orchids 1 (first use of the tripod) and 2

I know this photo is a bit out of focus but I like the graininess of it and all the empty space.

As you can see I am still learning about photography and since I only have a run of the mill digital camera there are limitations. This week I am experimenting with the tripod and programming my own settings.

P.S. Told you my Nana's orchids were amazing. She says the secret is neglect, they don't like attention - who would have thought!

1 comment:

Th said...

I think the tripod is going to be the start of a whole new world of photography. You make nature pretty.