Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome New Year

I'm back after a very low key summer holiday. Well I say 'holiday' somewhat loosely. I'm not sure what that means when you are unemployed. Hmmm.

I am quietly hoping 2010 will be better than 2009. Frankly 2009 had some pretty rough patches for me. So fingers crossed.

2010 ambitions so far:
  1. Get a really cool job, that is challenging and rewarding
  2. Travel overseas (not just to Oz either) - new passport arrived last week - super flash! Can't wait to try it out
  3. Use sewing machine more than once this year
  4. Buy a new sofa
  5. Get back into fitness (cliché one I know)
Things I am looking forward to:
  • HL and BB's wedding!
  • More new babies
  • Turning 30 (true I am looking forward to it)
  • New adventures
SO far this year I have:
  1. Been to the Waikheke Speedway
  2. Helped de-construct an armchair for refurbishment
  3. Been swimming
  4. Had 2 picnics, one at Wenderholm
  5. Watched movies
  6. Been shopping (a major feat for me)

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