Friday, August 28, 2009

In the neighbourhood

For some reason (i.e. one not known to me) the retailers in Eden Valley have decided to join forces against tagging. What has resulted is some colourful and interesting new graffs, which are sure to scare those tagging hooligans away.

This one is so clever, I only just got it now!

It may well have been inspired by the efforts of Dan Tippett and DLT at the Kingsland Train Station. Unfortunately if you want to see this mural you'd better get there quick, 'cause its days are numbered due to numerous changes being in our neighbourhood made for the Rugby World Cup. A real shame if you ask me.

Thanks to Timespanner for making sure this was brought to our attention and for the photos. On the plus side thanks to our forward thinking community board has made sure their will be plenty of new art works from Dan and his crew gracing our neighbourhoods blank walls in no time.


Dad Burger said...

Askew has been going hard with the one-eyed pyramid for a while now aye? If that's what you're referring to. I likey.

Bon said...

Hey Thanks for that $1 pies.
Yeah the one-eyed pyramid is a good one. But I was also liking the play on 'bulk oil'. Although now I am thinking that is purely a co-ink-a-dink...?

Skitch said...

It's ironic they have to use graffiti to cover walls up that would otherwise be covered in graffiti... I spose you may as well have good graffiti then some crappy stuff - but wouldnt it make more sense to do a big mural of the bush or something like that? Take katikati for example heh heh.

Bon said...

Yeah it is ironic, but I prefer the good stuff.
It's funny you should mention the mural of the bush, cause right next to the graff with the alien in it is a HUGE under the sea mural with dolphins and fish etc and I have never seen any tagging on it.
Guess they are just trying to appeal to a wider audience.